Vacuum Bomb : The Father of All Bombs


Vacuum Bomb :The Father of All Bombs


“The people’s body will turn into the air, the Russian have a bomb like that. The Russian have used the bombs at the start  of Russia – Ukraine war” , said Ukraine. But the Russian denied that several times. But how this bombs works? What International Law  says about this vacuum bomb? Did it really used  in Ukraine war or before? When and where did it used before? BBC has highlighted these answers of the questions in a report.


BBC Report:

This destroyable bomb is called “ Vacuum Bomb”. According to ZENEFA Contract 1949 the use of Vacuum Bomb is prohibited at battle field. To make this Vacuum Bomb 100% oil or fuel is used in the bomb. In making general bomb oxygen particles are used with the oil. But in the case of making Vacuum Bomb oxygen is not used. Because it pulls oxygen when it explodes.

Image: Mario Zippermayr

Mario Zippermayr  first discovered Vacuum Bomb. It is heard that in the Second World War the German used that Vacuum Bomb.

Image: Explosion of Vacuum Bomb

It is said that Vacuum Bomb is more deadly than the explosive bomb. Vacuum Bomb is also known as Aerosol Bomb. It has a container of oil and two explosive charger. This bomb actually works on two steps. At first when it explodes the oil spread out in the air like clouds. Then secondly those oil explodes again like fire ball. It creates huge shock web. And absorbs all the surrounding oxygen. Vacuum Bomb contains fuel air explosive or FAE. So that, when it comes to contact with air it explodes.

Image: Vacuum Bomb

Thermobaric is almost 100% filled with nitrogen, consisting with ethylene oxide and propylene oxide. These two chemicals are highly toxic. If this bomb is dropped in a tunnel or bunker, it mixes with oxygen in the air to form poisonous gas. The heat and pressure created by the Vacuum Bomb is very terrifying. The chemicals in it get absorbed into the body and burns the lungs and damages brain and other cells. 

Image: Human heart burning

This bomb is launched with the help of thermobaric rocket launcher. Anyone who gets  in the middle of it will instantly be vaporized. And those who will be around it the impact of the sound waves will cause major damage to their internal organs.

Image: Rocket Launcher

These bombs cause death mainly burning lungs and crushing other internal organs inside body.   Sound waves are larger in closed spaces. These bombs generate high temperatures of several thousand degrees, causing severe body burns. The amount of damage this bomb does depends on its size.

International human rights law prohibits the use of vacuum bombs. Any  country using this bomb would be considered a war crime. 

Image: Vacuum Bomb

Vacuum bombs are made in different shapes depending on where and how they will be used. Can also be made into grenades or rockets fired from hand-portable launchers for use by soldiers. Larger vacuum bombs were also developed to be launched from aircraft, which were used to destroy specially designed caves and defenses. This bomb can cause the most destruction in confined spaces.

Image: An aircraft is launching a bomb

Human Rights Watch claimed that the US used Vacuum Bombs in the Vietnam War. The outcome of that battle was a shock. Britain claims that, Russia has used this bomb several times in Ukraine. The severe destruction that occurs in Ukrainian cities is the result of these bombs.

Image: Russia's largest thermodynamic bomb

In 2007, Russia conducted its largest ever thermodynamic bomb test. They named it "Father of All Bombs". The so-called "Father of All Bombs" can detonate the equivalent of 44 tons of ordinary bombs. It is the most destructive bomb in the world apart from the atomic bomb. Vacuum bombs are mainly used in urban environments due to their corrosive effect and ease of use against soldiers in buildings and bunkers.



Yeasir Arafat

I am Yeasir. I love to write.

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