Notorious Wizards of the Ancient World

 Ten Notorious Wizards of the Ancient World


The inclination of the human mind towards forbidden things is eternal. Some become famous in the world, some become infamous, and many disappear into the womb of the universe. Harry Potter franchise author J. K. Rowling's Wizarding World is no exception. Lured by infinite power and power, many magicians have gone astray, choosing the path of abomination. That is why many magicians have been practicing dark magic or dakinividya along with white magic since ancient times. Today's discussion will be about the top ten dark wizards of the ancient world that shook the world, about whom many Harry Potter fans do not know.

Image: A dark wizard

Emeric the Evil

Emeric was born into a magical family in medieval Great Britain. As a child, various magical powers were gradually revealed in him. After receiving a magic wand through his family, he focused on mastering magic spells. Once the magic came under his control. In his lifetime he once managed to own the Elder Wand, the most powerful wand in the wizarding world.

Emeric is a clear proof of how destructive this wand of infinite power can be if it falls into the wrong hands. Lacking power, Emerick became involved in violence, establishing a reign of terror throughout southern England. Although he came into the world with a short life, he was associated with a lot of loss of life and destruction in a short time. The word 'The Evil' was attached to the name of this dark wizard who was notorious for his acts of terror. A dragon-like animal was its bearer. He is well versed in black magic. He was equally adept at duels. This is how the Elder Wand won. This condemned black wizard of the Middle Ages lost his life in a duel with Egbert the Egregious. When studying the 'History of Magic' at Hogwarts, first year students would often confuse Emeric the Evil and Euric the Oddball.

Image: Emeric the Evil


Akrizidis was originally a fifteenth-century dark wizard who lived in a fortress on the island of Azkaban. He made the castle invisible with a concealment charm so that no one would notice its existence. Neither the magical community nor the common people knew anything about him as he spent his days there alone. He used to practice dakiniwidya of extremely sinister style quietly on that uninhabited island. When a ship passed around the island, the sailor of that ship was forgotten and brought to his fort. Then they were brutally tortured, tested with various spells and curses.

Image: Akrizdis on the island of Azkaban with the Dementors

But because of living in a secluded place for a long time, he became a closed madman. After Akrizidis's death, the effect of the Concealment Charm was lifted from the castle. Once it was in the sight of the British Ministry of Magic, the Aurors of the Ministry searched there, saw a group of Dementors in the castle. It was an ideal place for Dementors as it practiced torture, murder, black magic. Because Dementors are most comfortable in places where there is no spark of joy. The British Ministry of Magic later converted the castle into the hellish Azkaban prison.

Image: Azkaban Island

Ethelred the Ever-Ready

Ethelred the Ever-Ready is a medieval dark wizard notorious for cursing innocent people. He made many charms and charms during his lifetime. He used these curses selectively on innocent and unarmed people. He was once imprisoned on this charge. Capitalizing on the loneliness of the dark room, he once fell into the lap of death.

Image: Ethelred the Ever-Ready


Godelot shook the magic world by practicing black magic in the Middle Ages. He also owned the Elder Wand. He considered the Elder Wand as his mentor, and wrote a book called 'Magick Moste Evile' using the wand's magical powers. The book was filled with a lot of dark magic information, and everything was written in great detail.

Image: Magick Moste Evile

The book is currently kept in the forbidden section of the Hogwarts library. It also mentioned the names of Horcruxes. Gardening the Elder Wand from him was kind of difficult. One day his son traps him in a trap and imprisons him with the elusive Elder Wand. Godelt died in that prison.

 Image: Godelot


After Barnabas Deverill was murdered, the Elder Wand was owned by a dark wizard named Loxius. He used this stick only to kill his enemies, which is why he renamed it 'Deathstick' or 'Death Stick'. No information is available about how this cruel and violent magician died. According to Albus Dumbledore, Loxias' violent streak was stopped by his birth mother. Again Xenophilus Lovegood claims that Loxius died at the hands of Arcus or Livius, and either of them became the next Elder Wand.

Image : Elder Wand

Meroin the Malicious

The medieval dark wizard Meroin the Malicious is the inventor of many doom spells. He used a curved magic wand. For this infamy and infamy he is immortalized in a bronze chocolate frog card. A portrait of Merowin also hangs in the Hogwarts castle, guarding the main staircase to the third floor and a secret passageway to the entrance hall side room. To go this way, you have to use the password 'Malevolence'.

Image Source: Meroin  the Malicious

Morgan Le Fay

The only female witch on this list is Morgan Le Fay, also commonly known as Morgana. Born in the Middle Ages, this black magician has become famous in history for various reasons. First, he is the main enemy of Merlin, one of the greatest wizards of all time; Second, she is King Arthur's sister. As queen she ruled the island of Avalon. That's where he practiced his dark arts. Gradually honing his skills, he became the arch rival of the wizard Merlin.

Image: Merlin

During his lifetime he practiced many powerful and terrible black magic. He was also an animagus, able to take the form of a bird at will. To be an Animagus, you have to be quite skilled at making potions. Even if a hair is messed up in making the potion, the mage can no longer revert from animal to human form. He must spend the rest of his life as a hybrid of half-human and half-animal. So it can be concluded that he was also a kathi sares in potion making. He had the power to heal any wound through magic. He got a place on the chocolate frog card almost a hundred years after his death. Morgana was one of the six cards that Ron Weasley collected in 1991.

Image: Morgan Le Fay


According to legend, the Rachidians lived in a black castle deep in the forest, accompanied by an army of ghoulish Dementors. Surrounding the forest were inaccessible valleys, where wizards lived happily and peacefully together. Suddenly one day a beautiful young woman named Ileana came to the forest to gather jam. Rachidian fell in love with Ileana. He thought, I should make her my life partner. What you think is what you do. Rachidian sent a marriage proposal to Iliana's parents. But they rejected that offer. Rachidian threatened that if Illyana was not handed over to him, he would destroy the entire village with Dementors.

The sorcerer villager chose the idea of resisting the Raczidian instead of surrendering to him. The villagers made patronuses with magic wands to ward off the Dementors. At first all the Patronus combined were able to hold off the Dementors, but as the Dementors outnumbered the villagers, the tide began to lean towards defeat. When all hope is about to vanish like open camphor, a young orphan named Elias appears as a savior. He made a Patronus of Rats from his wand, which drove away all the Dementors.

In a fit of rage, Rachidian then raised his wand and tried to make a Patronus. The objective is to slay the Patronus of Elias. But the rule of the magic world is that practitioners of black magic can never create their own Patronus. If you want to make it, the opposite reaction will fall on that magician. Instead of the wand forming a Patronus, a swarm of maggots came out, which immediately ate the entire flesh of the Rachzidian, leaving only the bones of his body.

Image: Rachidian

Salazar is Slytherin

Wizard Salazar Slytherin is House Slytherin, and one of the four founders of Hogwarts. He was born on October 31, 934, into a family of pure blood wizards in southern Ireland. He was the only son of father Tertius Slytherin and mother Cordelia Slytherin. He also had a younger sister named Ileana Slytherin. Growing up in the shadow of a pure blood family, he was exposed to magic from an early age. At that time there was no institution to teach magicians the training and control of magic. So he was trained in magic at home by his family. Dark magic became a focus of Salazar's Slytherin interests as both parents practiced dark magic regularly. Slytherin established himself as one of the greatest wizards in the wizarding world by gradually honing his skills through the practice of dark magic.

Image: Salazar Slytherin

After his childhood and adolescence, he lost his parents when a Viking came to their village and started rampaging. The orphaned Slytherin's primary responsibility becomes caring for his younger sibling. Time passed like this. Salazar Slytherin just turned twenty four. It was then that Illyana Slytherin and her newborn were killed by the Muggles for witchcraft. Salazar's heart is deeply troubled by the loss of his loved ones. Since then, great anger towards the Muggles grew in his heart. Gradually it turns into hatred.

Losing all his family, he moved to a forest in England. He started spending time there with the snake. Once he succeeded in breeding basilisks. Then he made a powerful magic wand out of basilisk horn and snake-wood. The specialty of that wand is that he could put it to sleep by blowing spells in snake language. As a child, his father gave him a locket made by goblins, which he always wore around his neck. This is the famous Slytherin locket that Voldemort transformed into a Horcrux. Suddenly one day he met with England's then famous warrior-wizard Godric Gryffindor. Meet Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff one by one. The four best wizards of the time founded the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 993 AD.

Image: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Then the whole school is divided into four houses or branches. Objectively, the four founders would select students for their house according to their preferred qualities. Slytherins prioritized intelligence, ambition, loyalty, and blood purity more than any other quality. He showed no interest in admitting any other non-Pure-Blood students to his House as he did not like those other than Pure-Bloods that much. Being a pure-blood himself and somewhat arrogant, Slytherin hated half-pure and impure-blood wizards. According to him, only pure-bloods have the right to learn magic, and Muggleborns are incapable of learning magic and untrustworthy. Therefore, he made a proposal to the remaining three of Hogwarts that no one but a pure-blood could enter Hogwarts.

Image: Salazar Slytherin teaching the students

Helga, Godric, and Rowena Ghor objected to that proposal. Godric, being a close friend of Slytherin, begins to argue with him, which eventually escalates into a duel. Godric Gryffindor won the battle. Salazar Slytherin then left Hogwarts forever. He kept the basilisk guarding the Chamber of Secrets for thousands of years.

It is whispered that Slytherin built the Chamber of Secrets primarily to teach dark magic or witchcraft to the students of his house. He knew very well the use of many unforgivable curses including the Killing Curse, Imperious Curse. Almost all of Voldemort's followers during the Second World War of the Wizarding World were from House Slytherin. Supposedly, students of House Slytherin are naturally more interested in forbidden magic.

Image: Locket of Slytherin

Harpo the Fowl

The first name that inevitably comes up when discussing dark magic is Harpo the Fowl. The first dark wizard to be found in the history of the wizarding world is called 'Harpo the Foul'. He was a magician contemporary to the classical period (which began 500 years before the birth of Christ).

No Ministry of Magic or School of Magic existed in ancient times. Magicians taught their children magic at home. Because if you don't know how to control magic, it will sometimes cause death. Even the magic wand had to be made by ourselves. Why Harpo the Foul turned to practicing dark magic is still unknown. But by birth he was a Parselmouth, that is, he could speak the language of snakes, and understood it perfectly. In this regard, he is more similar to Salazar of Slytherin and Lord Voldemort. In the wizarding world, Pearlmouth is a power that is passed down through generations. As such, many consider Salazar Slytherin to be the successor to Harpo the Fowl. Persoltang's power was also shared by all of the Gaunt family.

Image: Harpo the Fowl

Harpo the Fowl was the first to successfully create Horcruxes in the wizarding world. Wizards may have known how to make Horcruxes before Harpo, but no one had succeeded. Harpo the Fowl is considered to be the first successful horcrux creator as he succeeded in creating horcruxes by applying the correct rules. That's why he did a lot of research on dark magic. He has spent his entire life dabbling in dark magic. During his lifetime he created many dark curses.

Harpo filled his soul with only one horcrux to become immortal. Exactly what he transformed into a horcrux, or exactly where it was hidden, is unknown. Legend has it, he killed a muggle to make this horcrux. This is how he became immortal through a combination of black magic, violence and his own skills. As a result, even if his body disappears from the world, he will be able to roam this world with a wandering soul.

Image: Harpo the Fowl on the Chocolate Frog card

A bit about Harpo the Fowl appears in the book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, a prequel to the Harry Potter series. There the Hufflepuff wizard Newt Scamander said,

The first instance of basilisk breeding in wizarding history can be traced back to Harpo the Fowl. He was a Greek Dark Wizard and Pearlmouth. After a lot of experiments, he came to the conclusion that if a chicken egg was placed under a frog, it would hatch into a monstrous snake with super monstrous powers.

Image: Basilisk in Chamber of Secrets

He could completely control the basilisk he created with Persoltongue. In other words, the basilisk was like a pet to Harpo. It is estimated that breeding basilisks could live up to 900 years. It is not yet known if Harpo the Fowl died naturally, or if his Horcrux was destroyed. If the Horcrux is not destroyed, it still lives in the wizarding world in a very damaged state.


Yeasir Arafat

I am Yeasir. I love to write.

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