The origins of personality

 The origins of personality


It is said that, " first the visionary, also the judge of merit". Although the word does not apply to everyone, while judging quality, we first notice the personality of the person. Personality is the internal characteristics of people; The combination of behaviors, thoughts, feelings that make each person unique. It is in the mix of these that we label someone as introverted or extroverted, kind or unkind, caring or indifferent, anxious or careless, etc.

Variable personality; Image source:

Personality is variable. A person's personality can take other forms with time and circumstances. No two personalities can not be the same. The reflection of personality is that people can be distinguished by personality not only in the mind but also in the physical aspect. So from the discussion, personality is a very complex but interesting topic in psychology. Today let's learn more about personality from psychologists.

The Big Five Theory

Known as the 'Big Five', this theory identifies and names individual human characteristics that allow us to distinguish ourselves from others. It not only determines the characteristics, but also can relate a person's personality to other aspects of life.

Image source: Teachoo

This theory is not a reflection of a single individual's work. The theory was developed based on research in the 1930s. In 1961, Raymond Crystal and Ernst identified five characteristics so that other researchers could analyze or think about them. Then in 1981 Lewis Goldberg identified it as 'Big five'.

Each theory of the Big Five dictates how a person thinks, behaves, feels, etc.

1) Openness to Experience

As the name suggests, people with this trait are innovative and creative in their work. They are always set to face new challenges. Imagination is strong, and they are eager to learn.

Openness has a positive correlation with overall happiness and positivity. People with this trait have a sense of humor. They also maintain warm and harmonious relations with the people around them.

The study also found no association between openness and anxiety or any related psychiatric disorder. However, because extroverted people believe in change, they can be less practical. Their attention to new things. It can be going for a walk or going to eat in a luxury restaurant.

2) Conscientiousness

Farhatun Sama is the director of an IT firm. Active, hardworking, aware of goals and objectives, responsible and reliable. He adheres to responsibilities and duties in professional and personal life.

Conscientious people are usually successful. Studies have also shown a correlation between them. Sama can therefore also be put in this category.

Emotionality is less seen in such people. They are also aware of the goals and the time frame to achieve them.

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3) Extroversion

All around us are such people but many who are very social, can easily make friends with everyone, can talk a lot, are full of energy! They are basically the opposite of introverts.

Not all extroverts are easy to get along with. Some may like to be around people, but don't feel comfortable enough with strangers at first. There is a name for them too, and that is Ambivert.

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4) Agreeableness

People with this trait are usually not competitive. Follows everyone's opinion and wants to avoid personal contamination. Agreeable people are more trusting, tender, benevolent, and generally parade more prosocial actions than others. People with this social trait are empathetic, show concern for the welfare of others, and are the first to step in when someone is in danger.

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5) Neuroticism

People with this trait have negative feelings at work. They usually suffer from depression. Has moodiness and mental instability.

Mental disorders are also observed among them. Mood swings, anxiety, depression, irritability etc. are seen. Various studies have shown that this may improve over time. Besides, Besides, it can be normalized through psychotherapy or some habits, if this problem occurs more.

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It is very important to be aware of your personality and to monitor it. Because, as a result of this, one gets to know oneself, besides, it helps to choose the right profession, to establish relationships with others, to identify one's strengths and weaknesses. In addition to the Big Five, there are various theories through which personality is classified.

A person is not just straight or outgoing. He/she can have many traits in varying degrees. Some are prominent, some are moderate, and some are not at all. You can also read this and take a personality test yourself!


Yeasir Arafat

I am Yeasir. I love to write.

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