Seven thrilling lives of the Eskimos

 Seven thrilling lives of the Eskimos


Polar regions; A mysterious village of Eskimo people who survive by struggling with the ice-soft frozen nature. Frozen water bodies, cold environment and hostile climate in Konkan add to the mystery of such a thrilling place. The lifestyle of the residents living here defies the story of fiction.

Secrets lurking in the nooks and crannies of the township, the Eskimos struggle with nature, fight for survival, and fight for survival. This is how they have been composing their own unique biographies for hundreds of years. Diverse townships and indomitable brave lineages have built up. In today's article, let's get to know the exciting seven lifestyle stories of diverse Eskimos in a hostile environment.

Hostile environment; Image Source: iStock

1. Dog carriage

It is difficult to imagine improved transportation systems in the hostile environment of North Alaska, Canada and Siberia. Where survival is a living mystery, the bumpy road for travel is an abstract fantasy. However, the Eskimos needed to migrate from one region to another region at different times due to necessity, in search of food or under the influence of hostile weather. Because of that, they once developed their own transportation system. The artistic talent of these people has created a unique vehicle dog car!

Dozens of dogs are put together in these vehicles. The immense faith of these dogs in the master gives them the courage to reach the safe horizon even in adverse conditions. In the Eskimo language these dog carts are called Kamutik. This car can move very fast on frozen slippery ice. They also use small boats called kayaks for short distance travel.

Dog carriage; Image Source: Adobe Stock

2. Igloo houses made of ice

Absence of vegetation is noticeable due to lack of sunlight in polar regions. Those that exist are also used only for cooking and other fuel purposes. And so it is a luxury to build a house by cutting trees in a treeless place. However, even under such conditions the Eskimos showed amazing creativity. They have built their own ice igloo house in an aesthetic way in the untamed ice kingdom!

This house is made by collecting solid chunks of giant ice. The height of these houses is maximum 5-6 feet for living. However, some rooms are less than this height. As a result, they have to crawl. It looks like small ice caves are standing in the white desert. However, when summer comes at the end of winter, these houses melt, merge into the icy river basin. Meanwhile, the Eskimos spent the night in tents under the open sky. They use leather for the roof of these tents and animal bones and whale bones for the walls. At night in these rooms warm oil lamps are lit with seal fat.

Snow house; Image Source: iStock

3. The sea floor below the settlement

The North Pole is like a pure sheet of white ice. The calm and gentle sea is blowing under this sheet. It's like a town floating on the ocean. The bottom of the sea is home to all sorts of animals. There is a collection of delicious fish and unknown beautiful plants. The scene of them floating on the sea floor is a source of breathtaking beauty

There is no end to such a beautiful cover of ice. However, sometimes you can see a row of icebergs standing tall in the empty space. During the summer they float in small currents of cold water to different places. The gray-white color of the ice is eye-catching. Also the sea water under the ice is very pure. However, excess salinity has caused problems in the normal use of water. And so the food has to be boiled in water beforehand.

Iceberg; Image Source: Adobe Stock

4. Zero degree maximum temperature

Two common seasons exist in this region – winter and summer. However, despite the familiarity of the two seasons, the duration of summer is very short. During this time, the maximum temperature of the region stood at only zero degrees Celsius. And the arrival of winter brings with it the pale cold. At this time, the entire Arctic region was covered with a layer of buffer. All the regions are covered by winter blanket in Konkan.

The ocean is surrounded by ice, so there is no water vapor. There are no clouds in the sky, so there is no rain. As a result, the sky is sparkling clear. Like a little transparent blue mirror on the white desert. However, snowfall occurs occasionally in some places. However, recently, ecologists have discovered autumn and spring seasons in addition to winter and summer. But their time is very short.

Cold in Konkan; Image Source: iStock

5. Exciting hunting expedition

The Eskimo is a living example of a struggling people. Surviving by fighting against adverse nature is their unique characteristic. And so gathering food and hunting cunning animals in such an environment is not easy at all. They prey on animals that have adapted to the extreme cold. Satisfy the hunger with the delicious food of animal meat. These animals include bolga deer, wild hares, polar bears, flying ducks, birds of prey and penguins. Among the fish, seals and whales are also their favorite food.

Special types of spears made from the fierce teeth and pointed bones of previously hunted animals are used to hunt these animals. Most of these hunting expeditions are conducted during the hot summer season. They keep a certain part of the collected meat and other food for the winter. These raw foods also easily survive day after day due to the low temperature.

Hunting expedition; Image Source: Adobe Stock

6. Animal skin covering

Eskimos make warm clothing from the skins of hunted animals. They use thick skins of polar bear, bolga deer and fox and other animals to make these clothes. The name of these manufactured clothes is caribou furs. This clothing alone protects them from the bitter cold.

After the skin of the hunted animal is separated from the body, it is placed under a thin layer of ice for a few days. Then, the unique process of making the garment begins. First of all, they thoroughly clean the meat covered in the skin. Wash in cold water and dry at specified temperature. These skins are made useful in this way. These clothes made of leather are also durable for years. So an Eskimo does not need much clothes.

7. Six months of day and six months of night

This arctic region is located in the northernmost part of the world. So the sun is like a new moon in nature! Consequently, there are six months of day and the remaining six months of night. That is, if there is continuous night in the Northern Hemisphere, it is continuous day in the Southern Hemisphere. This continuous night is called polar night. Because of which the sunrise and sunset are seen only once a year.

Polar Night; Image Source: Adobe Stock

The duration of summer is 187 consecutive days, during which the sun's rays are always in the sky, so this period is called continuous day. Summer is followed by winter, which lasts for the remaining 178 days. This period is called continuous night because the sun does not appear in the sky.


Yeasir Arafat

I am Yeasir. I love to write.

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