5 things you can do to protect the environment today

 5 important things you can do to protect the environment today


Save Nature

Give back that forest, take this city,

Take iron, iron, wood and stone

O new civilization! O cruel tyrant,

Give that Tapoban Punyachayarashi…

Even today, there is no way to deny the poem that poet Rabindranath Tagore wrote almost a century ago, but it is surprising to think that there was not so much mechanism in civilization so many years ago, there was no black smoke, but what a stark truth!

We have some responsibility to protect this nature, because nature has spoiled us. We ourselves can take small steps to protect nature. For example, using jute bags instead of plastic bags, planting more trees, not wasting natural resources including electricity-gas-water, increasing the use of bicycles, etc.

Let's start protecting the environment without delay.

How to save nature

We have some responsibility to protect nature. We can easily save our dear earth from global warming. This world and nature can be saved only by correcting the mistakes we make every day.

1) Plant trees, save the environment

We need oxygen to survive. And in this century of urbanization, the number of trees is decreasing day by day. More trees should be planted to save and take care of nature. Take care of the tree. Many of us need to cut down trees, but the loss of one tree is irreplaceable. Therefore, more trees should be planted on the contrary.

Image Source: Pixabay

2) Stop wastage of electricity, water, gas

Most of us have a very bad habit of leaving water on while brushing teeth or taking a bath, burning the gas stove to save the cost of matches, or leaving the light, fan, AC on all day. This indiscriminate use of resources damages the environment.

On the one hand countless people of the world are moaning about the lack of fresh water, on the other hand another group of inconsiderate people are wasting water. This is how we are destroying the blessings of nature. It only destroys our natural resources.

Do not use them unnecessarily. By doing this, resources will be saved as well as the balance of the environment will be protected.

3) Limit the use of plastic

Single use plastic containers, polythene bags, plastic waste do not mix with soil. Year after year they pollute soil, water and air from above ground, water. As a result, poison is spreading in these places. For packaging, use jute bags or bags made of materials that mix with the soil. Use recyclable bags. This will not require additional bags and will also reduce the amount of waste thrown away. The natural balance will be maintained. Even if it is thrown away, it should not mix with the soil and cause any damage to the soil and water. It is not possible to completely avoid it, but use it in a limited way.

4) Use a bicycle

The black smoke of the car permeates our air. The exact amount of this smoke is not calculated every day. Petroleum is used as fuel and the air contains lead which is one of the major causes of lung cancer. To reach the destination easily, and at the same time to avoid the black smog, try to get used to using a bicycle, above all to save the environment. Walk if not very necessary in close distance, live nature friendly life.

Image Source: Pixabay.com

5) Avoid using extra paper

In this modern age, although we are dependent on machines, paper is still used regularly. There is no motion without paper in office-court. Trees are needed to make paper, every year countless trees are cut down to make paper. So don't use extra paper unless absolutely necessary. Don't print anything too small. Also, do not throw away flyers, paper, paper boxes or packets or pages of paper or magazines.

If the work is done on an electronic device that does not require permanent storage, then look for an electronic solution instead of a paper one.

In some cases paper can be recycled. By doing this, you can avoid a lot of wastage.

Apart from these, dumping garbage, human waste, animal waste, chemical waste, electronic waste, hospital waste everywhere; Burning polythene or non-biodegradable waste products and spreading black smoke, wasting natural resources - these actions are against nature. Nature has robbed us of all her jewels. All requirements met. So as humans we should also show gratitude to nature. In this both nature and life will be saved.

Yeasir Arafat

I am Yeasir. I love to write.

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