Some tricks to make works easier

 Some tricks to make works easier


Every day when we work, there is no end to the complaints: “The work is not finished”, “I don't have time”, “I don't want to” and so on! Many people face these problems.

Working long hours, not taking breaks, not finding joy in work, etc. lead to loss of focus. At one time I felt completely devastated. However, taking some small steps in life will get rid of these.

We are humans, 24 hours a day but we cannot work, we need rest. Some tips are needed to regain energy and work with renewed enthusiasm.

Just by making some small changes in daily life, some changes in habits can really solve the problem easily. Don't be a donkey, be wise. Only then you'll see that the overall deal becomes simple for you.

1) Keep all work in advance

Just as studying for examinations at the last nanosecond is of no usage, regrettably, equal is the case at work.

Keep Track and make to do list

Take advancement of work preparation at least a day in advance. Make a to-do list before taking nap, what are the tasks, what's the deadline, what needs to be given further precedence, etc. Wake up early in the morning, pray your prayers and go to your work station. Make a schedule for study or even if it is a household work.

2) Do it brother, whenever you want

Although you can't do what you want all the time, to keep yourself well, do something that pleases you at least some of the day. For example, take some break from studies, take lunch break or snack break for work.

No one likes to study or work all day, it's true. So take a break and do what you like. He can be drinking coffee, listening to music, painting or just sitting!

3) Do not skip meals

One of our big errors is that we neglect to take our food and drink for the sake of studying and work. At first it does not sound like much of a problem but latterly it has quite a dangerous effect. For instance, varied problems including ulcer or gastric problems, reduced impunity.  It is also difficult to concentrate on work while hungry.

Image Source: NBC News

Therefore, meals must be eaten on time; Avoid unhealthy food from outside and eat nutritious food, vegetables and fruits. As physical strength will increase, mental peace will also come. Interest in work or studies will increase.

4) Don't do too much work at once

We are used to doing many things together in this busy life. Although many times go down, is it possible to do it again and again? Make a priority list of tasks and do the tasks that need to be done first. However, utmost of them won't be finished, but the interest in the work will be fully lost, If you do all the work together. This stress can reduce our productivity by up to 40%. Say the brain and say the body, neither can take more work load together. So the most important work should be done first.

5) Be mentally and physically prepared for big tasks

Suppose you have to do a lot of work ahead; It will take a lot of hard work and intelligence. For this you need to prepare. To do the work, you need to give yourself and the work enough time before and after work. Do not get over-busy yourself with small or non essential works.

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Again, I'll do it at the last minute - get this thought out of your head completely. Put yourself on the reverse after finishing work and say, “ Congratulations! You have done it! “


After giving many big tips, now I am giving some tips of 2 lines. These also need to be followed; To increase your motivation, to focus on work, or to get good results in studies.

1) Where you can work comfortably, get comfort, work there. May be balcony, library or living room.

2) Turn off unnecessary social media notifications during work, or turn off mobile phones, so as not to disturb work.

3) Do not leave work, even check mail or message daily. Even a small task of mail forwarding should be done.

Image Source: Wallpaper Flare

4) Don't do it if someone forces you to do it, learn to say "no". Make it clear that you are neither qualified nor capable of doing the job.

5) Try writing in a diary or notepad. Keep tracking yourself of what you've done and what's left. You can also write down what you need for work.

Also, get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, be in the light and air, talk to friends, i.e. work should not be the main goal of life. See, if you focus too much on work, you will end up getting sick as well, and the overall damage will be more. So work with a calm mind, calm mind. Try to follow these strategies. It is hoped that you will be able to succeed in work without undue extra effort.


Yeasir Arafat

I am Yeasir. I love to write.

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