Answers to some unknown questions about the Harry Potter series Episode 2

 Answers to some unknown questions about the Harry Potter series Episode 2


generation of this world has grown up with fond memories of Harry Potter. The burning flame of Harry Potter still lives on in the piles and piles of movies, series, and books. Harry Potter fans (Potterheads) have crossed the boundaries of imagination and roamed the Hogwarts grounds countless times, twirling their wands and chanting their favorite incantations, or eagerly using various potions. The number of people who wanted to fly in the sky by pressing their foreheads or flying a broom between their legs due to being muggles is not less. In books or movies, there are always questions left unanswered. Therefore, today's event is about answering those questions that have arisen in the public mind with the combination of various arguments and fan theories. 

British Ministry of Magic; Image Source: Warner Bros.

1) How do muggle-borns acquire magical powers even if they are born into a normal muggle family?

The interesting answer can be found in squibs. Squibs are the exact opposite of muggle-borns, i.e. those born into magical families who have no magical abilities. And muggle-born refers to wizards whose parents were non-magical commoners, but were born with magical powers themselves. Some of the squibs known in the wizarding world are Hogwarts warden Argus Flitch, Professor Gilderoy Lockhart's two sisters, Dolores Umbridge's brother, Marius Black, and others. Such squibs are not allowed in the wizarding world. Instead they settle into non-magical Muggle society. Later they married a muggle and started living as normal muggles. 

Argus Filch was a squib; Image Source: Warner Bros.

While Squibs' magical powers are not manifested, latent magical powers lie dormant in their DNA. As they intermarried with Muggles over the next few generations, their families eventually forgot their clan's wizarding legacy. But when that latent magic gene shows up in a child a few generations later, that magical power becomes manifest. Thus, despite being born to a Muggle couple, they were identified as wizards at first sight. Some of the famous muggle-borns in the wizarding world are Hermione Granger, Lily Evans and others.

Lily Evans and Severus Snape as students; Image Source: Warner Bros.

2)  How do muggle-born wizards get into Hogwarts?

A magical book exists at Hogwarts called the 'Book of Admissions', which records the details of any child born into the British wizarding community. When Muggle-born wizards enter the age of eleven, they are sent a message of admission to a wizarding school by a representative of that school. There is no conspiracy to send letters through owls. The only reason for this is so that the representative can properly explain to the Muggle-born wizard's guardian everything about the existence of wizarding schools and the wizarding world. Otherwise, any Muggle parent would laugh at the thought of a school of magic, as well as cringe. If necessary, magic is also performed in front of them to make them believable.

Hermione was a muggle-born; Image Source: Warner Bros.

They are warned not to reveal the secrets of the Wizarding World to Muggles. The representative cast spells on the muggle-born and his guardians to prevent them from uttering a word even if they wanted to divulge the secrets of the wizarding world to the muggles. They are also informed about where to find all the school equipment and how to get there. Harry Potter was not muggle-born, but because he lived with muggles, Hagrid was sent there as Hogwarts' representative. Hermione was Muggle-born to Minerva McGonagall, and Tom Riddle to Tom Riddle at the orphanage was Albus Dumbledore.

Albus Dumbledore with Tom Riddle at the orphanage; Image Source: Warner Bros

3) What happened to the Dark Mark of the Death Eaters after the Battle of Hogwarts?

The only sign of Death Eaters' loyalty to Lord Voldemort was the serpent-marked 'Dark Mark'. As described in the books of the Harry Potter franchise, this Dark Mark on the hands of the Death Eaters would only be active if Voldemort were alive in his body. Voldemort used this Dark Mark to summon Death Eaters. When the Killing Curse returned upon Voldemort himself to kill Harry after killing Harry's parents, he was greatly weakened. Only the soul remains.

Voldemort's Dark Mark; Image Source: Warner Bros.

After Voldemort was gone for a few years, the Dark Mark on the hands of the Death Eaters also faded. After the Dark Lord it shines again. After the Battle of Hogwarts, when Voldemort's existence was completely extinguished, the Dark Marks on the hands of the Death Eaters gradually began to lighten. However, this mark remained in their hands in faint letters. Since it was made of eternal dark magic, it couldn't be completely removed with ointments, potions, or any other magic.

Hagrid brought Harry from the Dursley family; Image Source: Art Station.

4) What happened to the mark on Harry's forehead after Voldemort's death?

The answer to this question is related to the answer given above. Harry Potter was recognizable by the thunderbolt mark on his forehead, given to him by the Dark Lord himself. The mark faded over time, like the Dark Mark of the Death Eaters, but the mark still existed. The scene of Harry-Ron-Hermione delivering their children to the Hogwarts Express, 19 years after the Battle of Hogwarts, was depicted in the movie. There you can see that the mark on Harry's forehead has almost disappeared. But it didn't hurt like it used to.

Mark on Harry's forehead; Image Source: Warner Bros.

What remained was Harry's unique ability to speak Parselmouth or Serpent's Tongue. Harry Potter could speak and understand snake language even though he was not a Slytherin descendant. Because Harry had a part of Voldemort's soul inside him. He got this power from Voldemort, as Albus said in the movie. During the Battle of Hogwarts, Voldemort unknowingly destroyed the pseudo Horcrux inside Harry while killing him in the forest. From then on, Harry lost the ability to understand snake language or speak snake language forever.

Harry-Ron-Hermione 19 years after the Battle of Hogwarts; Image Source: Warner Bros.

5) Does Hogwarts exist in reality?

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a school where teenage wizards are trained in magic. In 993, the famous four wizards of Britain, Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Helga Hufflepuff, founded this school in a remote valley in Scotland. But the entire story of the Wizarding World is written by British author J.K. Rowling's imagination. He weaves each story of the wizarding world into a unique blend of history and imagination. Hogwarts School does not exist in reality.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; Image Source: Warner Bros.

But that doesn't mean there are no wizarding schools anywhere in the world. A magic school called 'The Gray School of Wizardry' exists in New York, where various courses are taught online. Along with admission system, magic books, magical plants, alchemy and other magic related material. This school is inspired by Hogwarts. But if one really wants to leave the wizarding world, it is not that difficult. That is why he is only J.K. Dive into the depths of the wizarding world by collecting the books of the rolling Harry Potter franchise.


Yeasir Arafat

I am Yeasir. I love to write.

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